Thursday, February 5, 2015

The FBI and the Klan - Rachel Bressler

American Experience – The FBI and the Klan

“The FBI and the Klan” told a story about Agent Dargan Frierson and his infiltration into the Ku Klux Klan in North Carolina.  Members of the Klan, steadfast in their efforts to fight communism, saw themselves as patriotic.  On the other hand, they believed that the FBI was an enemy, a defender of communism.  So they decided it was their responsibility to keep America safe from dangers of communism.  That’s where Agent Frierson came in.  In North Carolina, he somehow infiltrated the Klan and was then able to develop several informants within their circles.  Of his various sources, one interesting catch was George Dorset.  Dorset was the Klan’s biggest fundraiser in North Carolina and was one of the most powerful members of Grand Dragon Bob Jones’ inner circle.  Even though Dorset thought that the Klan, and was they stood for, was righteous, he worked for Frierson due to a friendship that had developed. 

            The story was told using two digital medias.  Parts of the video were black and white photographs, while a voiceover played in the background.  The other parts were an interview (in color) with Michael Frierson, whose father was Dargan Frierson.  The way that they used pictures to tell the story was interesting because most of the photographs were of larger scenes and panned over them, not really focusing on anything in particular.  However, they showed close up and still pictures of the most important people to this story: Agent Dargan Frierson and George Dorset.  It was also interesting to see the contrast between the black and white representing the past and the color signifying it was in the present. 

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