Sunday, February 1, 2015

Deion Love- A Day with Thomas A. Edison

The American Experience clip I chose to analyze for digital storytelling purposes was A Day with Thomas A. Edison. The film went into great detail using a series of events occurring on a regular day of Thomas A. Edison’s life. The production of the film resembles that of the film Birth of a Nation. The video does not include sound and is also black and white. There was no way for the audience to decipher the exact words that the characters were saying. During each scene the film would pause to give a statement or two about the situation that is occurring. Although the film didn’t have sound, it was able to always capture the audience’s attention because of the interesting how-to scenes of forming Edison’s light bulb. The process left the viewers enchanted and captivated.

The absence of sound made me realize how the film reinforced the theory of vita activa or the life of the polis. The film put great detail and emphasis on the power of action and speech and allowed the viewers to see how those responses were so pivotal in that era of time. Also, it showed how proactive the characters were.

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