Thursday, February 26, 2015

Digital Storytelling Project Outline: What/Who/How - Jon Kim

Digital Storytelling Project: Outline
The Effect of Philosophical Thought on the Corporate Mindset

For my project, I will make a qualitative analysis on the effect that Philosophical Thought has on the Corporate Mindset. Throughout my time at the business school, I have come to notice several deficiencies that hinder professional growth in students. The business program’s curriculum creates a strong emphasis on quantitative analytical skills and the ability to think methodically. However, students do not receive enough learning in abstract thinking and problem-solving. I believe the existential concepts and rigorous critique of the content covered in philosophy courses would be beneficial in developing a sense of morals and ethics, something that is essential in compelling leaders. This story will follow 2-3 students in their everyday lives, hearing about the thoughts, struggles, aspirations, and challenges they encounter as they pursue career goals and ambitions. I will incorporate their personal experiences with similar experiences of leaders already deemed successful to offer a structured comparison to historical results.

The main focus of my project will revolve around fellow colleagues, influential leaders throughout history who have been successful or unsuccessful, and myself. I will be using my own thoughts, but also the thoughts of 2-3 other students to broaden the scope of the story and get the opinions of a diverse set of people. I will focus on what it means to be a critical thinker and the motives behind their actions. These will be substantiated with external research of successful influential leaders to provide concrete examples of how our personal opinions can be amplified to create an impact on society.

The main method for this project will be through interviews. I find this provides the closest, most genuine medium for people to express their thoughts. There will be a set of questions that will be used to interview each student to maintain consistency; however, not all answers to each question will be used. There will be either clips or photos for the visual aspect while each person’s experiences provide a narrative in the background. When incorporating historical figures, anecdotes will be used as well as a description of their background. One consideration will be incorporating music which I am not entirely sure if I will add, but that is something that I will have to decide as I start working on the project.

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