Monday, March 2, 2015

Video Project Outline- Deion Love

The community that I will be focusing on for the sake of this project is being of the Black community at a predominately-white institution such as Emory University. I have found it hard to adapt to this “white space” without entirely changing my true identity. The transition from predominately-black schools to this institution was a major adjustment because it was all so unfamiliar. I found myself trying much harder to make friends and configuring to others’ standards. The environment has improved for me because I was able to find a group of friends who were inviting and unbiased. I was also able to evaluate my purpose on this campus and have become more content with my Emory experience. It has been a journey with coping with my identity affirmation. I have gone through a lot of development processes at Emory, in terms of my ambitions, physical appearance, and personality. However, I can say that every change has made a better and stronger me.

            By analyzing how this community has been an integral piece of my Emory experience, I am able to show a new dynamic that will bring awareness to the pressures of black students in “white spaces”. I believe that delving in to how minorities view the institutions they are apart of helps university administration understand how they should attract students to their universities and specifically what improvements can be made to improve minorities’ campus adaptability. This project not only reflects my experience, but an overarching experience that minorities have at Emory.

            The video will consist of interviews of black students to understand the pressures they face at this institution. The interviewees will be asked a series of questions to encourage thought-provoking and sincere responses. White interviewees will also be interviewed to observe the “white perspective” of the Emory experience for Black students. By utilizing this approach, I will be able to view the idea of “white privilege” and its effects on the students’ psyches concerning the Black experience. Following the interviews, I will also be giving a story of my first-year experience at Emory and how it has difficult for me to adapt to this new community and environment. To add more depth to my story, I will provide “a day in the life” segment to show more of the factors that affect my experience.

            My overall goal for this project is to create an outlet for black students and bring awareness to our experiences. We are pressured everyday to either be someone we are not or be someone we dislike. The pressure sometimes becomes unbearable and that affects how we perform as students of the university. Hopefully, this video encourages others to be more understanding and be conscious of how their actions can directly affect the lives or experiences of others.

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